Category - Biceps

The biceps is a well-established symbol of overall musculature. Any athlete will demonstrate it first of all. This muscle is always in a prominent place and therefore almost every man is interested in pumping it. However, despite the constant use and seemingly obvious things, few people know what the biceps is: its structure, anatomy, and function for our body.


The biceps is called the biceps muscle of the upper arm because it consists of two heads.

  • The long head of the biceps brachii muscle is located on the outside of the arm.
  • The short head of the biceps is located on the inside of the arm.
    Anatomy of the biceps

Both muscles are the same length, despite the names. At the top point, they are attached to the beak-shaped outgrowth of the scapula, and at the bottom – to the elbow joint. Simply put: the biceps is a bulky muscle that occupies the upper part of the arm from the shoulder to the forearm.


The biceps of the arm function to extend and flex the arm at the elbow. It, likewise, helps rotate the forearm and hand. In our daily lives, we often interact with the world around us where we have to lift various objects. Due to the fact that there are more flexion movements in practice, the structure of the biceps allows it to do all the major physical work. In some cases, it can act as a stabilizer, helping to control you or your weight lifting.
