How Often To Train Biceps For Maximum Growth

How many exercises can you do for the biceps? This is an interesting question and cannot be answered unequivocally, because the number of exercises will depend on the purpose of the training. Let’s take a closer look at how many exercises to do to train the biceps to develop the volume of the target group or to create relief and shape of the muscles.

Biceps Training Basics

For beginner athletes, it is not necessary to introduce biceps and triceps exercises into the training process. Let’s just say this is at first: the first few weeks, maybe a month, depending on the athlete’s constitution and his physical capabilities. After adapting to the training, and gradually increasing the number of training days and exercises, you can implement up to two exercises on the target muscles.

A beginner athlete should not dedicate an entire workout to biceps. You need to perform biceps exercises, combining them with synergistic muscles. For example, when training the back muscles, the biceps are also actively involved, so you can add one or two exercises for them as an additional load.

To develop muscle volume in training, you should use only basic exercises.

If we consider two exercises, it would definitely have to be barbell and dumbbell curls.

For advanced athletes, a separate workout for arms can be done to increase mass., but combine it with triceps training. Exercises in such a workout should be performed in supersets and antagonist muscles should be trained. To make it clear, here is an example: French bench press + seated barbell curl.

Training to create relief should consist of a larger number of exercises with which you can capture all parts of the biceps, namely the long and short bundle. Also, the brachialis is also trained with the biceps muscle, which improves its shape. In relief training, both basic and isolating exercises are relevant.

Number of exercises and examples of a complex for mass development

For a beginner

As already mentioned in the article: the first workouts can be performed without introducing exercises for the biceps, but limit yourself to only basic exercises, such as: barbell press, pull-ups and rows, dumbbell press and others.

After the body adapts to the load, one or two double-headed exercises can be added to the training for other groups.

A proven scheme of 2-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions each is a good place to start.

The best exercises for a beginner are seated barbell curls (the position of the hands on the bar can be changed from medium to wide) and seated dumbbell curls at a 45-degree angle.

For experienced athletes

Experienced athletes should increase the load and use exercises that focus on individual biceps. On a back training day, you can perform up to four exercises:

For professional athletes

For professional athletes, it is important to include a biceps complex in a full-fledged workout. Such a workout should consist of 5-7 exercises, taking into account forearm training.

It is necessary to introduce various methods of performing exercises into the training, for example, trisets, alternating the working weight from the maximum to the working weight. Use the lowest possible speed mode for performing movements, alternating with normal speed.

Number of exercises and example of a complex for creating relief

A beginner does not need such a complex. The quality of muscles improves only after the athlete achieves the required muscle volume.

To create relief, training can be based on the method of sets with repetitions, and you can also use the method of circuit training and supersets, trisets and drop sets. An approximate option is as follows: 2-4 sets of 14-16 repetitions. For this workout, the weight used should be moderate.

Let’s look at a separate workout for biceps:

  • Curls on a Scott bench with a close grip and a “W” bar.
  • Seated barbell curl with a wide grip.
  • One-arm curl on a Scott bench with a dumbbell.
  • Bending the arms in the lower block with a rope handle.
  • Bending the arms in the upper blocks of the crossover.

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