3 best biceps machines in the gym

For those who are not satisfied with classic biceps curls with free weights, there are several design options for better biceps development, allowing you to receive an isolated load. There are not many of these exercise machines and they have one goal – isolating the biceps during movements.

Types of simulators

There are block designs that work the muscles by pulling weight plates on cables and designs that provide good insulation and allow you to work with free weights. There are also models in which weighting discs are used instead of plates, which is a very convenient solution. It’s difficult to say which system works more efficiently. Both have their pros and cons, but overall they are very similar. Here are three machines that are the best among others for training biceps.

First place. Block biceps – triceps exercise machines with emphasis

Such massive structures give the athlete a wide range of possibilities.


  • Most machines of this type are equipped with curved handles, which allow you to perform biceps curls with different grips, due to which you can train both the biceps brachii muscle and the brachialis muscle.
  • The design allows athletes of any constitution to train due to a huge number of position settings. Exercise machines of this design allow you to perform exercises not only for biceps, but also for triceps.


Among the disadvantages of this design, one can note the impossibility of working with one hand, which is very important for concentrated work on the biceps and triceps.

Biceps – triceps exercise machine Sports Art DF105.

Second place. Scott’s bench

Any machine of this type is an excellent alternative to block systems, however, it provides less isolation and also involves the use of additional equipment: dumbbells or barbells. Otherwise, the Scott bench is an equally effective exercise machine; moreover, it can be adapted for a French press by attaching the bench to the barbell holders. This type of exercise machine can be adjusted to suit any body type.


The advantage of this design is the ability to train the biceps separately, which undoubtedly gives better results when performing concentrated curls.


Use of additional sports equipment.

Scott's bench.

Third place. Block biceps machines with the ability to alternate arms


The designs of such simulators allow you to perform exercises with one hand. This is a big plus for some training tasks.


Like other exercise machines using blocks, biceps machines of this type deprive the athlete of the possibility of a flexible choice of working weight. Another drawback is the lack of lever reach adjustments. Not every athlete will find a comfortable position in such a structure. Due to the lack of support, isolation during the exercise is reduced.

Biceps machine NRG Line N-117.

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