3 Types of Tantric Yoga. The Essence and Benefits of Tantra Yoga

3 types of tantric yoga

Tantric yoga, like many other yogic practices, has several directions. There are three types of tantric sex: white, red and black.

White Tantra Yoga, unlike red and black, is the most valuable and effective practice. It helps to elevate the soul, purify and free the mind from obsessive and unproductive thoughts. White Tantra Yoga can be practiced independently, together with a partner, or in a group.

Its meaning is to direct a person from the present to the future, to teach him to control every second of his life, to prepare him for the long-awaited changes. Through white yoga of love, the physical body, mind, and soul become one. People who practice this type of Tantra live freely, consciously, and joyfully.

Red Tantra Yoga contributes to the acquisition of mystical experience. People who practice this type of Tantra use a variety of techniques that redirect sexual energy from the lower centers to the higher centers. Sexual intercourse during the performance of rituals is not only allowed, but also encouraged. People can have a physical orgasm, but the satisfaction of physical sexual desires, it is not the ultimate goal.

Red yoga of love teaches you to manage sexual energy and use it to learn sacred knowledge and fundamental laws of the Universe.

Black Tantra Yoga is characterized by the use of techniques shocking the imagination and the complete absence of any moral principles. Its meaning lies in adultery, baseness, and debauchery. Thanks to this type of tantric sex, you can acquire the ability to effectively develop your own mental strength, manipulate the minds of people and quickly achieve your goals.

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