A fitball or gymnastic ball is the same sports equipment in every gym that hosts fitness classes. It is also called the Swiss or fitness ball. This large inflatable ball does not just take up space in the gym but is an excellent trainer for developing strength, maintaining balance, the endurance of the cardiovascular system.
Resilient and large fireballs are great for a wide variety of exercises, recovery after injury due to the ability to reduce tension in the muscles and spine. It all depends on how exactly to use such sports equipment. Fitness balls are especially popular among those who want to lose weight, keep themselves in great shape. You can exercise with a Swiss ball both in the gym and at home.
Lower body gym ball exercises
1 – Overhead Squat

A simple and familiar exercise for many, the effectiveness of which is increased by using a fitness ball. It perfectly works the muscles of the legs and arms.
Do a regular squat, but raising your arms up with a fitball clamped between your palms. Be sure to involve the deltoid muscle group and shoulders in the work. Watch your torso. It should be vertical.
Do at least 10-15 push-ups.
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