Yoga Asanas To Help You Burn Your Belly Fat

Strengthen your core muscles.

Yoga for the abdomen and sides

 The diaphragm is part of the core muscle group of the core and also plays a major role in the breathing process. When you actively use your diaphragm while breathing deeply, you also strengthen all of your major abdominal muscles. If you engage your diaphragm by actively moving your abdomen while inhaling and exhaling, you will soon see results.

If you engage your diaphragm, your chest and abdomen rise as you inhale, and descend as you exhale. You can practice proper breathing while lying on your back with your knees bent. Place your hand on your stomach and watch your stomach rise and fall as you inhale and exhale. When you have mastered the correct breathing while lying down, try doing the same while standing. Also try to pause during the day and observe the breathing process, returning to the correct breathing.

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