What happens if you start running every day?

Many people dream of leading a healthy lifestyle and want to go jogging. Everyday running is one of the most effective, affordable, and popular physical activities. Everyone understands this, but most would-be runners complain that they don’t have the time and energy to run every day.

But it often happens that there is both time and energy, but there is no banal motivation. For motivation to appear, you need to know exactly how everyday running affects your body and your life in general.

What happens if you run every day? Now we will find out the answer to this important question.

Extra pounds go away, as if they never existed

If you jog for half an hour every day in the morning or in the evening, then it is quite possible to lose a few extra pounds without exhausting diets. All unnecessary calories during a run are simply burned. In a month, you can get rid of 3-7 kg.

But do not forget that the human body is able to adapt to any type of physical activity. Therefore, you should not be surprised if 30-35 days after your first run, your body gets used to the fact that you run every day, and finds reserves in order to save energy. Because of this, the process of losing weight can not only slow down but even stop altogether.

To prevent this from happening, keep running every day, but gradually increase your speed. Also, do not forget about proper nutrition.

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