4 basic biceps exercises for big arms

Developing biceps is a simple matter, but, as in any other matter, training the arm muscles has its nuances. As practice shows, there are athletes for whom progress in the development of biceps seems impossible! Perhaps the problem lies in the incorrect structure of the training. Basic biceps exercises, which will be discussed in the article, will help you increase the volume of your arms as quickly as possible.

The best basic biceps exercises for home and gym

If you think that the most effective exercises for biceps are the basic ones using a barbell, then you are only partly right! Yes, options with a barbell and dumbbells while sitting or standing are effective and should be included in the program for the initial stage, but doing arm curls on a Scott bench or with an emphasis where the elbow is rigidly fixed are more complex exercises and the most powerful movements for increasing biceps.

In addition, these exercises are great for breaking through stagnation in strength and muscle size. But it is also worth mentioning work with your weight, for example, pull-ups, in which the biceps are fully involved in the work and take on most of the load.

1. Seated barbell curls with a wide grip

This is the best option for performing barbell curls since it is aimed at working out the internal beam, which is the largest. This means that the result of performing exactly this type of bending will be as effective as possible.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Starting position – sitting on a bench. The barbell should be placed on the hips, grasp the bar with a wide grip, and lock the elbows.
  2. The back is straight. The upward movement is performed while exhaling.
  3. The return movement is performed while inhaling. Be sure to perform the reverse movement slowly.
  4. The barbell should not be raised or lowered jerkily. The exercises should be performed smoothly.

Seated barbell curls

2. Curls with dumbbells on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees

The exercise is performed with wrist supination and is a good finishing exercise. The starting position in this version is as follows:

  1. The athlete should lie down on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees, with his legs elevated so that his knees are approximately at chest level. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down.
  2. The movement can be performed either with alternating weight lifting or with simultaneous lifting.
  3. At the highest point of the amplitude, the wrist should be rotated (perform supination).
  4. When moving up, you need to exhale, while moving down, inhale.

Bent over arm curls.

If barbell exercises can be performed with heavy weight, then you should work with dumbbells of such weight that the athlete can perform 12-15 repetitions.

3. Hammer dumbbell curls

The exercise is performed both standing and sitting. The difference from the classic dumbbell curl is in the grip of the dumbbells. Throughout the entire amplitude, the dumbbells are located in a vertical position, and if you look from the side, the forearm and dumbbell resemble a hammer. The working weight in this exercise should be moderate and designed to perform 12-15 repetitions.

Exercise hammer

4. Reverse grip pull-ups with narrow arms

Despite the fact that pull-ups are aimed at developing the back muscles, exercises with a narrow reverse grip are excellent for training the biceps, since most of the load falls on them. Another advantage of this variation of pull-ups is that it provides preparation for performing classic pull-ups for those who cannot yet perform them. These pull-ups are performed in the same way as others. You need to grab the crossbar, in this case – as narrowly as possible. As you exhale, pull your chin towards the bar and then slowly and concentratedly lower yourself down.

Close-grip pull-ups


  • To develop large and sculpted biceps, you need to give them dosed loads, which means that you should not use a large number of exercises, work with extreme weights, and do several workouts aimed at developing biceps.
  • The ideal option for mass would be to perform two, maximum three biceps exercises on the day of back training. The weight in the exercises should be light and allow you to perform three to four sets of 12-14 repetitions each.
  • Naturally, the training process can be diluted with exercise options using heavy weights if progress has stopped. When training your biceps, you should also take into account the load from other exercises aimed at developing various muscle groups. There is an opinion that progress in the growth of biceps can be achieved without paying attention specifically to the biceps, and all because by performing many basic heavy exercises, these muscles are included in the work and receive sufficient load for growth.


It is quite possible to build bigger biceps. There are a lot of basic exercises and all kinds of equipment for this. Usually, the arm muscles respond excellently to the load and progress quite quickly. The best training option would be to use dumbbells and barbells, but block work should also be used.

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