10 Best Stretching Exercises for Better Flexibility

Lying twine technique

Lying cross twine: photo.
  1. From the position of the cross twine.
  2. Lower yourself to the floor forward.
  3. Straighten your arms first, stretch forward.
  4. Strive to lower your chest and stomach to the floor, this is the ideal exercise.

How fast can you sit on the cross twine?

You don’t even need to try to achieve a lateral split in a short amount of time. This exercise requires diligence, perseverance, and regularity. In preparation for the exercise, muscles, joints and tendons are stretched and then need time to recover.

The speed of achieving the goal also depends on the level of training. If the body was once regularly stretched, it will quickly “remember” its flexibility. Then you can come to the twine in a few months or faster.

For beginners, preparation is different and takes a long time before the result appears. Do not neglect the regularity to sit on the twine in the future. Do the exercises slowly, without haste.

Is it possible to sit on a cross twine at home?

You can train anywhere. Comfort and regularity are important. At home, if you want, you can set aside time for stretching at least every day, and this is a big plus. It is quite possible to achieve a transverse twine at home. It is important to learn how to sit on it correctly, observing the technique. It will be very helpful if at the initial stage the stretching process is supervised by an instructor.

Why can’t you sit on the cross twine?

  1. Features of the structure of the hip bones (it happens that the neck of the femur is located so that the abduction of the leg to the side is very limited).
  2. Attempts to abruptly get into the cross twine without preparation, possibly received early injuries .
  3. Poorly warmed up muscles , lack of warm-up exercises and proper preparation.
  4. Tense, “squeezed” body. Stretching loves relaxation and proper breathing.
  5. Improper nutrition. Insufficient receipt by the body of macro and microelements, nutrients for full functioning.

Is pain possible after lateral splits?

Painful sensations are possible with sudden movements during stretching, non-observance of the correct technique when performing exercises, structural features of the body, ignoring contraindications.

To sit in a straight, correct, beautiful twine, in no case should you ignore the sensations. Stretching loose muscles can also cause pain. Therefore, it is important to perform a set of strength exercises aimed at their development and strengthening.At the initial stage, when you have to pull on the body, which is not yet accustomed to exercise, light pain is the norm.


So, how much you can sit on a transverse twine depends on age, level of training, lifestyle and individual characteristics. You can stretch your body at any age by mastering stretching from scratch. But only in the absence of acute contraindications and under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Stretching brings health and beauty, makes you look and feel better, and has a positive effect on the body. Especially when combined with other physical activity and exercise.


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