Whitney Jones – Hollywood celebrity, actress, singer, fitness trainer

The heroine of our article today Whitney Jones – American fitness model, trainer and member of the WBFF Pro federation. In addition to competing on the WBFF circuit, Whitney has also competed in the NPC Bikini Division, finishing 2nd at the 2015 NPC Grand Prix.

Ever since her youth, Whitney struggled to find a sports outlet that was perfect for her. Over the years, she continued to try different sports and disciplines, but none of them had what she was looking for.

Then, after numerous failed attempts, Whitney stumbled upon weightlifting and fitness. It immediately caught her attention and soon became her passion. So strong that she became a competing fitness bikini athlete, model, trainer and true fitness icon in the United States. And later she discovered her acting talent.

Whitney's Early Years in Sports and Fitness

The future fitness star spent her childhood in Idaho. At that time, the girl could not find a sport in which she would succeed. In her own words “I was never good at sports, dancing, gymnastics or any of the other things that most little girls love.”

However, this did not stop Whitney from exploring and continuing to find herself. With her strong desire to stay active, she continued to try different sports and activities over the years, hoping that she would find something that she was really good at.

In the end, Whitney found what she was looking for – fitness and training with iron. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to engage in traditional disciplines, dance and sports, Whitney decided to make strength training her sports outlet. This was the moment her fitness journey began.

The path to the goal step by step

At the age of sixteen, Whitney began training with weights. She soon began to notice improvements in her physique, which led her to become truly addicted to fitness. The girl became obsessed with training and a healthy lifestyle.

“I realized how much I love training. And when I didn’t go to the gym for a long time, I felt discomfort and a desire to get back to work as soon as possible. It became a real drug for me.”

As she achieved her fitness goals one by one and improved her physical condition, Whitney developed strict discipline and became noticeably more confident in herself. Her training not only strengthened her physically, but also gave her spiritual growth as a person.

In one of her interviews she said the following:

“Training develops discipline in you, which is sometimes very important in everyday life. This is even more important than improving your physical condition. Because, with willpower and spirit, you can always pull yourself into the gym, and thereby improve your physical fitness.”

Career Projects in Fitness and Bodybuilding

Over time, training alone was not enough for Whitney. And she set herself the goal of continuing her career, competing in bodybuilding tournaments in the fitness bikini category, and also becoming a certified trainer.

After completing numerous courses, Whitney received her personal training license. She also became an NPC and later WBFF competitor, earning her WBFF Fitness Model Pro Card in 2015.

Become a famous model

Taking her career a step further, Whitney began modeling for fitness companies and also competed as a bikini model.

This gave her fame in the fitness industry, which landed her on the covers of numerous magazines. Whitney Jones has become a true fitness icon in America and beyond. She began to be invited to appear in commercials and films.


Whitney often conducts online workouts for her followers on social networks. They are, of course, aimed more at a female audience who trains at home. Therefore, the main equipment that Whitney uses are dumbbells, rubber bands and her own body weight. The girl is not a supporter of working with heavy weights and prefers high-repetition training with moderate weights.


Whitney doesn't overcomplicate her diet. She eats a healthy, clean diet that includes lean meats, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. She avoids dairy products due to intolerance.

From time to time, Whitney breaks her diet rules to treat herself. The girl has a real sweet tooth. Her favorite treat is ice cream.

“When it comes to my diet, what's best for my body: I ​​try to avoid dairy, eat less fat and eat less carbs… but sometimes the ice cream cravings are overwhelming. And I can't help myself

What we can learn from Whitney Jones is that it might be worth giving workouts a try if you haven't already. It's never too late to go to the gym! All in your hands. Play sports, be healthy and beautiful like Whitney Jones. Thank you for your attention.

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