Natalya Krasavina (Nata Lee) is a luxurious model specializing in lingerie advertising and photo shoots in glossy adult magazines. It is one of the most expensive and popular models in the world. New publications and photographs of Natalia are expected not only in Russia, but also in Europe and the USA. Krasavina is also an ambassador for a French manufacturer of erotic clothing for women and blogs to a multimillion-dollar audience—more than 7,000,000 followers from all over the world are subscribed to her social network page.

Natalia became famous thanks to her stunning photographs in magazines and social networks and her spectacular appearance – a beautiful blonde with stunning curves is simply impossible not to notice.

Nata Lee plays sports almost every day and prefers proper nutrition. She often shares her beauty secrets with her subscribers. The girl's height is 171 cm, weight – 55 kg. Natalie is a blonde with blue eyes and impeccable appearance. Natalya does not abuse the services of plastic surgeons, but she visits cosmetologists regularly. Self-care also has a special place in the model’s life.

Natalya Krasavina was born on February 17, 1999. She has no children, and the model also does not disclose details about her family. According to rumors, “Krasavina” is not the girl’s real name, but she never gave official comments on this matter. Personal information is kept under seven seals. Nata Lee hides very well what outsiders don't need to know. All that is known is that she was born in Moscow, from childhood she was fond of dancing and sports, and the family of the future social network star was neither poor nor rich.

What is noteworthy: Natalya does not say anything about her family, but does not hide her income. The media write that photo shoots and participation in advertising bring the girl almost 600 thousand US dollars monthly. Every year the number of subscribers grows, Nata Lee becomes more and more popular.
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