Lower ab exercises: how to pump up your lower abdomen

In fitness, lower abdominal exercises are considered less popular, and the main focus is on the upper abdominal area. The main reason for this shift in priorities is the formation of the coveted “packs,” which are the standard sign of fitness in sports. However, in terms of health, functionality, and overall body aesthetics, lower abs are considered more significant. Therefore, athletes need to first pay attention to how to pump up the lower abs, instead of placing excessive stress on the upper areas of the rectus abdominis muscle.

Features of Lower Abdominal Training

The first thing any athlete should start their training with is getting rid of the false stereotype about the six-pack. The saying “abs are forged in the kitchen” is fully justified. That is, the drawing of the cubes is determined not so much by the muscles, but by the percentage of fat in the body. However, the abs are a muscle that needs to be trained. Even though it hypertrophies very weakly and slowly, a lot will depend on its tone, from posture to the functioning of internal organs.

Regularly working out your lower abs will help you avoid many negative consequences, namely:

  • Prolapse of the intestines and internal organs.
  • Functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • Prevention of inguinal hernias (weakness of the lower abdomen is the main risk factor).
  • Prevention and prevention of pelvic rotation.

The latter is a very serious problem that occurs in more than 40% of people with a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle. If, due to the nature of your work, you have to sit for a long time, exercises for the lower abs will have to be done without fail. Otherwise, weakening of the abs and buttocks, as well as hypertonicity of the lower back and shortening of the quadriceps, will lead to several very serious consequences.

The second important point The thing that needs to be monitored is the lack of stress on the lower back. If the technique is incorrect, even the most effective exercises for the lower abs will be harmful to the lower back. Moreover, their effectiveness for the target muscle will be significantly reduced. Because to pump up the lower part of the abs without complications for the spine (hernia, protrusion, pinched nerves, etc.), The lower back should always be excluded during movement.

The key point of the movements especially when you do lower abdominal exercises at home, where there is no trainer, is correct breathing. Regardless of the type of movement, exhalation must occur when muscles contract. Therefore, to eliminate the harmful consequences that straining during exercise can cause, you should fully understand how to pump the lower ab. To do this, you should devote enough time to mastering the technique.

The last myth that should be dispelled before starting training is “special lower abdominal exercises for men or girls.” In reality, there are no divisions or anatomical differences. Therefore, if an instructor recommends doing lower abdominal exercises for girls, it is better to find a more professional trainer. The only distinguishing criterion for lower abdominal exercises is the level of physical fitness. Depending on it, the athlete is recommended certain movements.

Top 3 exercises for lower abs

To pump up the lower abs, movements are used in which the legs are brought towards the body. Bringing your torso toward your legs will engage your upper body more.

1. Exercise “book”

This is a universal lower abdominal exercise for men and women. It is incredibly effective and is considered complex, as it actively loads the lower and upper parts. To shift the emphasis of execution to the lower part, the “book” is performed while sitting on a bench or chair. To do this, the body leans back slightly, and the legs move from the floor to the body (you cannot put your feet on the floor between repetitions).

2. Lying leg raises

The most popular movement to pump up your lower abdominal muscles. However, very often the lift is performed incorrectly, this puts the lower back under stress and switches the load from the abs to other muscles. Important Features:

  • The lower back and buttocks should not hang. If you do it in the gym, your buttocks are on the edge of the bench. When performing lower abdominal exercises, it is better to position yourself on the floor, this will allow you to place the correct emphasis on your back and buttocks.
  • You cannot place your feet on the floor, this will weaken the load. Regardless of where the lower abdominal exercise is performed, it is important to maintain tension until the end of the set.
  • The legs should be raised strictly to the level when a right angle is formed between the body and the hips.

Leg raises on an ab bench

Many athletes, in pursuit of pumping up their lower abs, try to raise their legs as high as possible, right up to forehead level. This will only reduce the load from the lower abs and switch it to the lower back.

3. Hanging Leg Raise

When performing, you should pay attention to the technical features:

  • Avoid swaying completely (from your arms to your buttocks, your body should hang motionless, only the lower part of the body moves).
  • You should not raise your straightened legs forward. This does not provide any advantage, but it shifts almost all the load to the hips and buttocks. To properly pump your lower abs, optimally raise your bent legs at the knees.
  • The movement is performed slowly and under control, with a delay of 1-2 seconds at the top point.

Leg raises on parallel bars

Exercises with leg raises in a lying position

There are a large number of effective exercises for the lower abs, such as:

Exercise scissors

Despite the differences, they provide the same load on the muscles. Well suited for pumping up the lower abs, especially to complete a workout (performed to failure).

Choose an exercise that you can perform without errors in technique and at least 30 repetitions in one set.


Lower abs training is not particularly difficult. Moreover, a large number of exercises are not required to properly work out the area. Enough to do 2-3 movements in the 3*15 mode (or 2-3*30 for movements like “scissors”) 1 to 3 times a week to see pronounced and rapid progress. Nevertheless, The main key to effective movement is technique..

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