Hello, friends! The 2021 Olympia will be memorable for many. Chris Bumstead’s third title in the Classic Physics category, Big Ramy’s triumph for the second year in a row in the main division and a record prize fund of $1,600,000.
Chris Bumstead and Big Ramy
And also because for the first time in history, a new women’s Wellnes category was introduced at the tournament. At the first competition of the division, 20 participants took to the Olympia stage. And despite the fact that the final of this new category was not included in the ceremonial part of the weekend, this did not stop the contestants from making this show one of the most spectacular and exciting.
The spectators greeted the participants of the division with delight, the additional interest in which is determined by the generally clear criteria for evaluating the athletes. The Wellness category pays special attention to muscles, symmetry, proportions and overall appearance. According to the rules, the Wellness Division is intended “for women with an athletic physique who demonstrate greater body mass in the buttocks and thighs.” And indeed, bodybuilding fans have been waiting for a long time for the appearance of this category at Olympia. And then at 21 it happened.
Many predicted that Yarishna Ayala would become the favorite and face of this new discipline. Perhaps this will really happen in the future, but at the 2021 Olympia the spectacular Puerto Rican could only take 4th place.

Yarishna Ayala
But let’s return to the past Olympia. The final selection before the judges included the aforementioned Puerto Rican Yarishna Ayala, as well as Isabel Nunez, Angela Borges and Franciel Mattos.

Isabel Nunez

Angela Borges
Interestingly, of the four athletes, the last three represented Brazil. Which, however, is not surprising. Girls from this country have always been famous for their prominent hips. Just remember Vivi Winkler.

Vivi Winkler
And as you probably already understood from the title of this article, the first Wellness Olympia champion was Francielle Mattos. And since she forever went down in the history of bodybuilding and now her figure will probably become a kind of gold standard in this division, we want to tell you a little about this amazing girl. About her path to the top, training, family and life.

Franciel Matos
Francielle was born on August 26, 1986 in Brazil. Before winning the Olympia, her main achievements were the titles of Absolute Champion Arnold Ohio 2020 and Miss Olimpia Brasil 2019.
Francielle is coached by two-time Arnold Classic champion Ricardo Panane. In addition to our heroine, he trained more than 40 professional athletes. Among them, the most famous Miss Olympia in the bikini category is Elisa Pechini.

Elisa Pecini
Francielle Matos is currently 36 years old and has been married for 17 of them. Her husband strongly supports her passion for bodybuilding, and throughout her career accompanies and helps his wife in all her endeavors and preparations. The couple also has two wonderful children: Giovana and Gabriel.
But still, Matos has to devote most of her time not to her family, but to training, proper nutrition and recovery. In addition to the fact that the girl works out in the gym, to achieve maximum effect, she attends various spa treatments, massages, and does body wraps, which help her get rid of excess fat, which, by the way, she practically doesn’t have. Francielle is not only the owner of incredible volumes of hips and buttocks, but also a chic waist that even experienced fitness models can envy.
The girl follows a strict diet even in the off-season, which allows her to be in pretty good shape all year round. She also often uses sports supplements in preparation for competitions, since sometimes due to her busy schedule she does not have time to have a normal snack; protein shakes and bars help her with this, which she actively advertises on social networks. The figures of wellness athletes are specific – they are sporty, athletic, but without overly developed muscles. A feature of the physique of athletes in this category is an imbalance towards a more developed lower body. This is an excellent nomination for women who are genetically predisposed to this type of figure. Where muscles should have shape, but not separation and definition. Excessive dryness and venousness are unacceptable. These criteria, of course, leave an imprint on the specifics of training.
Francielle Matos trains 6 times a week and she breaks down her weekly training cycle as follows:
- Monday: Shoulders
- Tuesday: Gluteus-base
- Wednesday: Back
- Thursday: Legs
- Friday: Shoulders
- Saturday: Gluteal muscle isolation
As you can see from this program, the main emphasis is on working the legs and buttocks. At least 90 percent of what Matos posts on Instagram is lower body training. She lists her three favorite exercises as hack squats, leg presses, and lunges. It is noteworthy that the girl practically does not work with free weights, and if she pumps her legs and does squats with a barbell, then most likely these will be squats in a Smith machine, and not a classic squat with a barbell on her shoulders. Francielle is also not noticed in performing basic lifting movements like deadlifts and bench presses, without which, according to many experts, you cannot gain muscle mass. However, it is the thighs and buttocks that are her strong point. The place that is especially valued in the Wellness division. By the way, to train the hamstrings and buttocks, Matos most recommends performing the exercise good morning and leg curls while lying in the machine. She performs most exercises in a multi-repetition mode and almost always works to failure.
When people ask Francielle what bodybuilding means to her, how she achieved such success and what to do to succeed in building a beautiful athletic body, our heroine answers the following.
First of all, you must have a goal in mind. You must understand what you want to achieve – become Mr. Olympia or just lose weight and gain some muscle. This is what you should start from in your training. Go towards the goal step by step. Have patience, perseverance, love the process itself and get joy from training. If you come to the gym and train forcefully or without the mood, then you will not see results, no matter how hard you work, says Matos.
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