Famous bodybuilder and young mother Marissa Rivero

Marissa Rivero McGrath is a famous American bodybuilder, IFBB bikini model, content creator and healthy lifestyle promoter, who also recently became a mother. More than 600,000 people have subscribed to Marissa Rivero’s Instagram profile with the nickname marissabishhhh (social networks Facebook and Instagram are recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation). The girl also has accounts on Facebook and other social networks.

Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero

Marissa Rivero: biography and career

Marissa Rivero McGrath was born in Florida, United States on May 09, 1989. Unfortunately, nothing is known about the bodybuilder’s childhood and family. Marissa grew up there in Florida and was a member of the dance team while in high school. The future star came to the sport relatively late, but already in 2013 (at the age of 24) she took first place in the IFBB bikini competition.

Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero

Victory at the competition was the beginning of a long journey and a dizzying career. Marissa not only fulfilled her lifelong dream of winning the IFBB pro card for which she trained so hard, but she also proved her worth as a top fitness model and athlete and became widely recognizable.

Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero

Marissa Rivero is today a celebrated bodybuilder, IFBB bikini competitor and model who has posed for magazines such as Iron Man and has been signed to many major brands. She is extremely popular on Instagram, where she shows off her perfect body to over 600,000 followers. Her blog is regularly visited by fans from all over the world. As of 2023, Marissa Rivero McGrath's current net worth is $1.5 million.

Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero

Inspired by her remarkable successes, Marissa Rivero moved first to Miami and then to Los Angeles, where she attracted a considerable number of sponsors, including Prime Nutrition, Ravish Sands, Catered Fit and others. “There’s really no secret to getting sponsorship. Just do your thing, compete, train, be yourself and the sponsorship will come to you!” — she later commented on her success. Rivero has no other job; she devotes all her time to working as an instructor and blogging.

Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero

Personal life

Marissa Rivero does not advertise her past life, but willingly demonstrates her real life, namely her family. The athlete is now married and recently became a mother; in May 2020, she had a son.

Marissa Rivero with her husband
Marissa Rivero with her husband
Marissa Rivero with her husband and son
Marissa Rivero with her husband and son
Marissa Rivero with her husband and son
Marissa Rivero with her husband and son
Marissa Rivero with her husband
Marissa Rivero with her husband
Marissa Rivero with her husband
Marissa Rivero with her husband

Marissa Rivero: height, weight

With a height of about 155 cm, Marissa Rivero weighs 48 kg. She is beautifully built and physically strong.

Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero

The model loves traveling and sports, and loves animals.

Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero

Marissa Rivero, photo

Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero
Marissa Rivero

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