In the area of fitness, it is easy to make mistakes. Here are 5 tips for beginners (or confirmed) not to do too much nonsense with practice.
5 questions every beginner in bodybuilding asks
How much break time should be allowed between each session?
Various factors come into play. Each individual has a different rhythm and feeling which influences as much as the method of training. Strength exercises on targeted muscle groups (weight, with 15 to 25 repetitions per set) require 24 to 48 hours of recovery. Busier training (heavy dumbbells, with only 1 to 5 possible repetitions) requires a rest period of 4 days. After a classic workout (medium weights, with 8 to 12 repetitions), beginners should allow 72 hours to pass. More experienced athletes can reduce this phase by half. However, there are some signs that you may not have recovered yet: you feel weak when you wake up, your heart rate is unusually high, you have a lack of appetite, or even have joint pain. Important: the figures are given here relate only to the muscle groups used. On the other hand, you can easily target your efforts on the pecs one day, then on the dorsals the next.
Is it useful to stretch after training?
There’s no need to stretch after a workout, but there’s nothing to stop you from taking it easy. Stretching helps to relax the muscles, relieve cramps, and stimulate blood circulation. Rule of thumb for effective stretching: Hold each position for 15 to 30 seconds, without it hurting.
And to stretch before? No. If you do it anyway, make sure it’s quick and light so you can gently prepare your muscles. At best, follow a whole-body warm-up program that helps stimulate blood flow to muscles and circulation in general.
What influences have alcohol, tobacco and lack of sleep on training?

1. Tobacco: The rise in carbon monoxide levels hinders the supply of oxygen to the muscles. In fact, their performance decreases. The less they receive, the weaker their contraction. In practice, you will have to content yourself with lifting lighter loads.
2. Alcohol: Alcohol can coat the muscles with a layer of fat and disrupt hormones essential for their development. In addition, alcohol consumption sometimes leads to a lasting drop in testosterone levels… A consequence which affects not only performance but also libido!
3. Sleep: The muscles regenerate especially during sleep. In the event of a lack of rest, the practice of a sport is restricted to a limited intensity. You have the feeling of emptying yourself and your motivation flies.
Should I rather do sports in the morning or in the evening?
Overall it doesn’t matter, as long as you plan to finish two hours before going to sleep, to give you time to come back down. There is one argument, however, in favor of the morning sessions: they keep you from feeling guilty all day long and make you feel proud that you have accomplished something for your own good. So you can enjoy your lunch break and relax quietly after your work hours. After all, you will have earned it.
Can we train the next day when cooked?
Hangover mode? Of course: stand up and go to work! It will not help you reduce the level of alcohol in the blood, but you will feel better anyway. Just avoid setting yourself overly ambitious goals and be careful. Alcohol residues not only cause migraines, but they also reduce motor skills. Concentrate on controlled and isolated movements, preferably sitting to gain stability. Forget the recumbent positions that weigh down the head and the abdominal exercises, which slow blood circulation. Finally, remember to do your pre and post-sport warm-ups (10 minutes each time on a bike or a treadmill) to stimulate your heart rate.
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