Mother of many children and fitness trainer Stephanie Sanzo, 20 photos

Stephanie Sanzo is quite popular on the Internet, she has more than 2 million subscribers on Instagram and almost a hundred thousand on YouTube. Stephanie is considered one of Australia’s most popular bloggers.

Stephanie Sanzo works as a fitness trainer and fitness model. Who would have thought that in her youth Sanzo hated gyms, but now she can’t tear herself away from the gym. Stephanie loves hard training and takes on impressive weights – not every man can handle it!

Stephanie Sanzo in training

After the birth of her first child, the girl gained excess weight, which she later lost by going in for sports. And I didn’t even notice how I achieved the perfect shape. Now Stephanie not only trains herself, but also helps others – gives advice, motivates, shows cool exercises for different muscle groups. And she is great at combining sports and motherhood.

Stephanie Sanzo, 20 photos

Stephanie Sanzo

Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo
Stephanie Sanzo

Stephanie Sanzo 3: photo.

Stephanie Sanzo 1: photo.

Stephanie Sanzo 6: photo.

Stephanie Sanzo 5: photo.

Stephanie Sanzo 10: photo.

Stephanie Sanzo 14: photo.

Stephanie Sanzo 12: photo.

Stephanie Sanzo 13: photo.

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