Libby Powell. Fitness model and professional WBFF athlete

Libby Powell.  Fitness model and professional WBFF athlete

Libby Powell is a fitness model and professional WBFF athlete originally from Australia. At 173cm tall and weighing 62kg, she boasts one of the most impressive female physiques on the planet. This is one of the reasons for her huge online following, which continues to grow year after year.

With her high ambitions and the work ethic to match, she continues to develop her career as a competitive athlete and fitness model, and only time can tell how far she will go.

Libby Powell has been published many times in glamor magazines and has taken part in commercials. She took part in dozens of bodybuilding competitions in the WBFF federation.

“Don’t give up…even when you’re dealing with the crap in life!” (Libby Powell)

  • Fitness model
  • WBFF professional athlete
  • Online star

“Anyone who knows me knows how passionate I am about healthy living, working out and fitness. I live and breathe it.” (Libby Powell)

When it comes to strength training, Libby goes to the gym 5-7 times a week. It depends on where in the world she is. And also on whether she is preparing for competitions or not.

If a competition or promotional date is close, Libby will reduce the intensity of her training to avoid muscle loss.

She also likes to keep her training volume high ‘off-season’performing more than 20 sets of exercises in one workout.

Her rep ranges range from 8 to 16. While the higher numbers keep her lean, the lower ranges of working with heavier weights allow her to build an athletic figure.

In addition to strength training, Libby also does cardio 2-3 times a week. She will do this more often when there are performances coming up, and less often when she gains weight in the off-season.

The reason why a girl does cardio is simple; this helps her maintain a fast metabolism.

However, another reason why Powell does cardio is because it helps her overall health and also improves her stamina.

Libby loves to stretch every time after working out. This prevents the buildup of lactic acid in her body, improves blood circulation and maintains flexibility.

When it comes to nutrition, our heroine eats like the professional fitness model that she is: lots of lean meat, some healthy fats and complex carbohydrates with fiber that improve digestion.

In addition to her clean diet, Libby also uses nutritional supplements. These include multivitamins, fish oil capsules, whey protein, and sometimes fat burners.

If there’s one thing we can learn from Libby Powell, it’s to never stop. Continue until your dreams come true. There may be challenges along the way to achieving your fitness goals, but as long as you keep going, nothing can stop you from reaching your potential.

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