Torrie Wilson – wrestler and model who beat anorexia

Torrie Wilson is a former professional wrestler, athlete, model, entrepreneur and actress from the United States. She is known for her appearances in World Wrestling Entertainment and World Championship Wrestling, as well as for her excellent figure and huge army of fans on social networks.

However, Torrey’s life was not always successful and beautiful. As a teenager, she suffered from serious mental problems and eating disorders – anorexia nervosa and bulimia. This ‘dark’ the period lasted for Torrie Wilson for more than six years (from 14 to 20 years old).

By battling adversity day after day, Torrie was eventually able to overcome her frustrations. Exercise and a healthy lifestyle helped her with this.

Since then, the girl has never looked back – she has become an icon in the fitness, wrestling and entertainment industries.

This is her story:

“The day we stop dreaming, our spirit begins to die. Never let anyone dictate their terms to you.”

Biography of Torrey

Torrie Wilson was born on July 24, 1975 in Boise, Idaho. She describes herself as “painfully shy” child. While studying at school, the girl avoided communication with other children and was very unsociable.

However, this did not stop Torrey from participating in school activities such as cheerleading, dance, and later track meets. Torrey really enjoyed the spirit of competition and the excitement of fighting.

Model agency and anorexia

However, as Torrie entered high school, her interest in sports and dance became less and less. Instead, she became interested in modeling, and her mother even convinced Torrie to make it her career.

Eventually, Torrie and her mother decided to visit a modeling agency one day and see where it would lead. To their surprise, the agency informed them that Torrie had too much body fat and would need to lose weight in order to be hired.

Torrie decided she would start losing weight, but in the process she became so obsessed with her appearance that she began to suffer from anorexia nervosa and bulimia.

Overcoming Disorders

After bouts of depression and many ups and downs on her road to recovery, Torrie finally began to take control of her life at age 20—six years after she first began struggling with serious mental health and eating disorders.

It was fitness that helped Torrie overcome her disorders – through weight lifting and six balanced meals a day, Torrie was able to regain control over her body and mind.

Fitness athlete

Getting carried away With her new lifestyle of working out and eating healthy, Torrie began to think about entering fitness competitions.

Shortly after, she debuted in her first competition, finishing in third place. A few months later, she won the 1998 Miss Galaxy pageant.

Over the next few years, Torrey “lived and breathed” training and performances. She regularly competed and also secured sponsorship deals with a number of fitness companies, making a name for herself in the industry.

Start of a wrestling career

Torrie’s journey in wrestling began in 1999 when she went to a wrestling show with her boyfriend.

While she was backstage, she was asked to step into the ring with Scott Steiner, a professional wrestler. Torrie agreed, and her wrestling career has been in full swing ever since. The girl made her full debut in the show under the nickname “Samantha” signed a contract and performed for a female wrestling group called Vince’s Devils.


To keep her body in shape and strong for photo shoots and wrestling matches, Torrey incorporates both strength training at the gym and home weight training into her routine.

She says both have their advantages and disadvantages; therefore, combining them gives her the best results.


After years of experimenting with different diets, including keto, IIFYM, intermittent fasting, and more, Torrie has found that simplicity is the key to getting results in the kitchen.

Most of the time, Torrey prepares food in advance or orders ready-made meals. This way, she saves herself a lot of time and also avoids junk food.

As for the specific foods she consumes, they include lean meats, fish, eggs, whole grain bread, brown rice, lots of fruits and vegetables, and nuts.

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