“She-Hulk”: Vladislava Galagan – model and bodybuilder

Vladislava Galagan is a famous model, bodybuilder and blogger. The girl makes her living mainly on social networks. On the OnlyFans platform, Vladislava sells her photographs, including nude photos. The athlete’s spectacular appearance provides her with an endless stream of fans and those wishing to purchase footage of her. This beauty with an incredible body has more than a million subscribers and admirers around the world.

Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan

Vladislava Galagan: biography and career

Vladislava Galagan was born in Russia, in the Krasnodar region, but has been living abroad for many years. Soon after graduating from high school, the athlete moved to Germany and then to the Czech Republic. There she is most of the time now.

Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan

This is incredible, but true: the charming Vladislava has achieved dizzying success in a relatively short period of time. The girl quickly built up her muscles and became popular. It is worth noting that sport was always present in her life: first it was gymnastics, later athletics. Since 2018, Galagan has been taking part in bodybuilding competitions. And in 2023, her forms were already truly impressive.

Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan

Today the girl is called nothing less than the She-Hulk. Many consider her masculine, but Vladislava herself does not think so. “I’m muscular, I look good, and it sells really well,” she says.

Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan

The athlete works as a model and helps others get in shape. On her page, she regularly publishes training videos, showing how to do the exercises correctly and what results can be achieved with regular training. The girl also often shows herself doing arm wrestling.

Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan

Height, weight, nutrition and training

With a height of 175 cm, Vladislava Galagan weighs 80 kilograms. This is a lot for a woman, but the model does not have excess fat – she is just muscles. Her biceps are 28 centimeters!

Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan

Currently, Galagan continues to improve his figure and build muscle. The athlete trains 6 days a week and eats exclusively healthy food, preferring protein foods and vegetables. Vladislav combines strength training with cardio – the athlete has her own program. The model does not hide the fact that she uses special supplements for muscle growth.

Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan

Vladislava Galagan, photo

Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan
Vladislava Galagan

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