You push heavy, you eat clean, but despite everything, each time you step on the scale, your weight increases when it is not your goal. How is it possible?
6 mistakes that make you gain weight
Believe it or not, it’s the little details – like the speed at which you chew – that hinder your weight loss efforts. These little things you don’t pay attention to in the short term add up to build up pounds in the long run.
Here are six of the most likely reasons why you might gain unwanted weight.
1) skip meals
We will start with a first mistake which, as everyone knows, destroys our metabolism: skipping meals.
An irregular diet throughout the day can contribute not only to the accumulation of fat around the belly but also to insulin resistance and an increased risk of type II diabetes. After a meal, the body produces glucose, which is transported from the blood to muscle and liver cells. When insulin resistance occurs, cells do not respond to insulin, so more sugar builds up in the blood. More blood sugar means more fat around the waist, the same type of fat that contributes to diabetes.
2) Eat too fast
Slow down, you’re going too fast. No matter how clean you eat, if you eat your food at high speed, you risk putting on extra pounds.
The hormones in our intestines send a signal to our brains to tell us when we are full. Research has shown that people who eat too quickly may have fewer of these gut hormones that reduce appetite, which leads to weight gain.
3) drink too much protein
There is a reason why we are told not to consume more than two protein shakes per day. The body does not detect liquid calories in the same way that it detects calories from food.
Liquid calories don’t make you feel full and don’t suppress hunger. Thirst is not regulated by the stomach and intestines. Hunger, yes.
When you eat, the stomach stretches. Stretching sensations send a message to the brain that the stomach is at full capacity. But drinks do not trigger this signal and we do not feel full as we do when we eat.
The result: We keep filling up on liquid calories. Like the name of this popular brand of vitamins, limit your protein shakes to one a day.
4) Reduce your consumption of lipids
Don’t be afraid of fats. Lowering your fat intake actually increases your BMI. One of the biggest nutritional myths that have been perpetuated for decades is that dietary fat contributes to obesity. It couldn’t be further from the truth.
If we decrease the amount of fat we eat, we often end up adding more carbohydrates to compensate, and we know that more carbohydrates lead to more fat. But increased consumption of healthy monounsaturated fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, actually helps control weight gain. In the end, eat fat, get fit.
5) make healthy foods unhealthy
We know that good food becomes bad food when it is poorly prepared: chicken breasts coated with milled flour, halibut wrapped in fried batter, salads coated with soybean oil. But even the healthiest and most high-calorie foods, such as salmon, nuts or avocados, can put on those extra pounds. Respect this ancestral rule, “all in moderation. “
6) abuse of sea salt
As fashionable as it has become to use sea salt on our food, it is not good for the size. Sea salt lacks iodine, a necessary component of our thyroid gland. Lose iodine, gain weight. Instead, ditch the fanciful, high-priced sea salt. Rather turn to the inexpensive iodine type.
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